So today I tried to really study and focus for my exams that I will probably miserable fail (positive thinking right?). I went to panera and got some soup because I wasn't feeling too great. And I took a migrane relief to help with my migrane and an Adderall to help me focus. I haven't taken my Adderall in about 3 months. So about 40 minutes into studying I start getting really sharp pains in my heart (when I was a baby I was born with heart defects and had surgery at 3 months old so I was concerned) but then I felt like my body was shaking but I could see that it wasn't . Then my ankles and fingers started going numb and I got really nervous and started hypervenolating but I knew crying would make it worse so I did my best to remain calm. I talked to my parents and luckily I had a well check in an hour. So my well check turned into a rushing into the ER to get a chest X-ray and an EKG. I laid in that hospital bed and smock( good thing I had granny panties on) for about 3 hours before they let me go. They gave me a pill to make all my muscles relax and make me super loopy. They told me not to drive.... But I did ( YOLO ) and now I have to bump up my annual visit to Hopkins for early next month.... THIS IS WHY I NEVER SIT DOWN TO STUDY

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