Never trust a boy.ever.
Don't ever let your guard down.. You will always get hurt
Most girls want a boyfriend, its just the way we function. We want that cute high school romance we read about in books and see on the big screen, but so far.... I don't believe such things exist for me. People will always tell you "Its not you at all! He doesn't realize what he is missing!! He's a jerk anyways!" BUT what if there IS something actually wrong with me. Do I just over think everything? Do I want it too badly? My friends will say "you can't go looking for it, it will find you." ( Maybe his GPS broke??? )  But I just don't understand how I end up messing it all up when I get so close. I just don't even know what to do anymore and its sad that it is one of the biggest things that bothers me.

Then again... Maybe it's the guys fault for not asking the girls out. You don't have to date forever but shouldn't you test it out and see how it is? Girls stress over when the guy will finally ask her out but what if "asking her out" never crosses his mind.
Every Tuesday I assist a dance and grow class with age ranges from 2-4 and these little girls make me smile everytime I step in the room.
I have a serious obsession with baiting suit tops. I guess it's because I've grown up in a beach town but I'm guessing its a sign that I need to go to college in a beach town
This is how I feel about today.
Boys are a lot like fishing. You sit there and there is no bite and your thinking about reeling in and right before you reel in for the night they snag right on to the hook.
So today I tried to really study and focus for my exams that I will probably miserable fail (positive thinking right?). I went to panera and got some soup because I wasn't feeling too great. And I took a migrane relief to help with my migrane and an Adderall to help me focus. I haven't taken my Adderall in about 3 months. So about 40 minutes into studying I start getting really sharp pains in my heart (when I was a baby I was born with heart defects and had surgery at 3 months old so I was concerned) but then I felt like my body was shaking but I could see that it wasn't . Then my ankles and fingers started going numb and I got really nervous and started hypervenolating but I knew crying would make it worse so I did my best to remain calm. I talked to my parents and luckily I had a well check in an hour. So my well check turned into a rushing into the ER to get a chest X-ray and an EKG. I laid in that hospital bed and smock( good thing I had granny panties on) for about 3 hours before they let me go. They gave me a pill to make all my muscles relax and make me super loopy. They told me not to drive.... But I did ( YOLO ) and now I have to bump up my annual visit to Hopkins for early next month.... THIS IS WHY I NEVER SIT DOWN TO STUDY